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The Kautilya Project
Mahesh Prabhu

The Qualities of an Undeserving Leader according to Chanakya a.k.a. Kautilya

राज्य (Rajya) in Vedic Sanskrit means Administration. A great many translators of Kautilya’s Arthashastra have translated it as Nation-State, State, Country, etc. Kautilya a.k.a. Chanakya also uses a word called राज्यनर्ह: Rajyanarha. And because Rajya is misunderstood as Nation-State and Anarha mean Unworthy, Rajyanarha is often misunderstood as an individual unworthy of the state or citizenship. The correct translation of Rajyanarha, therefore, is a person unworthy of administration, power or Leadership. And according to Kautilya the following ten are unmistakable qualities of an individual unworthy of power:

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